Monday, January 28, 2008


This past Sunday's Gospel included material about Jesus calling his first disciples--the first of the inner circle of those who followed him or stopped and listened to him.

So what?

Here's what? I have a question. What did they see in him, even before his resurrection, that tore them away from their work and their families and sent them trekking after him all over the countryside? While you think of that, it helps to also think of this fact: if we string together everything the Gospels say Jesus said, and we speak it in a normal speaking voice and speed, it amounts to about two hours of material, excluding duplicates! While they were to be with him for a year and hear much more than that, at that point, they had been probably only heard him once or twice, if that. And if they heard him for two hours, they heard as much as we have and not many of us have given up everything. So what was it?

The cynical view is they thought he would overthrow the Romans and that would surely improve their lot. Even better, they would be in on the bottom floor! Remember how at one point two of them are arguing about who will sit at his right hand? [Not that attractive, but entirely human.] While I'm somewhat inclined toward this view after watching how Christians deal with each other for the last 40 years, I really don't think that's it.

What then? I think they saw someone who was genuinely good, someone who genuinely cared for people, and who radiated something holy. It took them a long time to see the whole picture and to grasp why this was true, but it was worth following right away. People like that are hard to find. So if you find one or two in this life, latch on.

And in the meantime, take another listen to Jesus. Don't get distracted by the Church, even by the people in the Church. Go straight to the source. You might find yourself "tearing around the countryside" so to speak. Scary thought.

Peace, Jerry+

1 comment: said...

I can't imagine hearing someone speak one or two times and then giving everything up to follow this person. I can't even decide who to vote for in the Fall and I've heard them many times. I often wonder if Jesus came back today and stood on the corner talking, would I cross the street? Call the police? Look at my watch and say I have a meeting and have to go? I would like to think I would be filled with faith, but I wonder. It makes me think of the times I have avoided the eyes of people acting strange or who seem to be a threat. Scary stuff indeed. I'm grateful Jesus was and is as much a human as he is supernatural. Now about the election.......