Monday, November 30, 2009

The End

In an old Calvin and Hobbes comic strip, the two have the following conversation. Calvin says to Hobbes: "Live for the moment is my motto. You never know how long you've got." He goes on to explain: "You could step into the road tomorrow and WHAM, you get hit by a cement truck! Then you'd be sorry you put off your pleasures. That's what I say, live for the moment." Then he asks Hobbes, "What's your motto?" Hobbes replies: "My motto is look down the road."

In looking down the road in 2010, I don't see myself continuing this blog. I'm pretty sure those who encouraged me in the beginning have moved on to other things. Plus, I'd hoped for comments and dialogue which haven't happened. So, I think it's time to pull the plug.

I very much needed to do this right after I retired and I'm glad I did it. It was rarely a chore and often fun. Thanks to those who encouraged me and read my musings. If you think plug pulling is not in order, you can email me at and we'll see. Otherwise: it's been fun.



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