Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Last Sunday's Gospel reading tells the story of Jesus calming the wind and sea when his followers in the boat fear for their lives. It must have been a heck of a storm for these seasoned fishermen to have been so afraid. The Sea of Galilee on which they fished almost daily was known for its quick and nasty storms, but surely they were very experienced in dealing with them. But not this time.

Their boat was likely about twenty feet long with a single mast and sail if it is like the remains of one found a few years ago when the Sea was very low due to drought. At twenty feet and shallow draft, it would have been not unlike a cork bobbing and tossing on the waves. I can imagine them trying everything. But finally they admit defeat.

Oddly, though they are later surprised he could actually calm the storm, they finally turn to Jesus. They wake him and chide him for not caring that they are all about to perish. We know what happens next. The storm is calmed.

Is an obvious message for us to be found here? When our storms are doing their worst, we turn to Jesus last? And we even know that he can help! Interesting, huh?


P.S. Today is post number 100. Wonder if anybody except my son is reading these?

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