Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Pentecost Story: Part 2

If you read the previous post, you know it was about the mysterious working of the Spirit. This is a follow on to that.

Today is my day to lead worship at The Parkview Retirement Community. As I always do, I prepared a sermon in manuscript form. Usually this gets done at least a week in advance, and this time was no exception. But after the event described in the last post, I kept having thoughts about ditching the sermon and telling the story of Linda and the drawing. After thinking it was a good idea, I'd think, "But the sermon is already done and it's good, so..." Then the urge to substitute the story would return. Last night as I gathered all the Eucharistic vessels into my kit and got out my alb and stole, I decided definitively to do the prepared sermon.

With everything laid out last night, when it was time to leave this morning, it was a simple matter of gathering my little stack of bulletins, service book, vestments and heading for the car. Which I did. When I arrived at The Parkview and began setting up, I realized I didn't have the sermon. Usually the service leaflets, sermon and readings for the day are all together, but not this time. No sermon.

Okay. I can take a hint. Those who came to worship today heard the story about Linda and the drawing. They heard it along with the story of my indecision about sermon or story. Together these two little stories had more to say about the mysterious work of the Spirit than any sermon I might have written; plus they were very moved. So, Okay, I can take a hint.



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